
Guernsey Cropped

Gaining a picture on antibiotic use in GB dairy herds - FarmAssist Summary 2017 – 2020  NMR have recently released the first national summary of data from FarmAssist. The FarmAssist service records and…
NM Rs van fleet moves to green diesal J reducing CO2 emissions by 901

NMR’s move to green fuel for van fleet cuts carbon emissions A move to green diesel for its van fleet in October 2021 has seen NMR’s carbon footprint reduce significantly. The…

First Milk members embrace new technology to transform herd management First Milk members are the first British farmers to use an innovative service from NMR set to transform herd…
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Significant export opportunities ahead for UK dairy New reports published by Kite Consulting show global dairy import demand increasing by around 3bn kg of liquid milk…

Report calls for standardised approach to carbon measurement A new, independent report from Kite Consulting and NMR, “Measuring your carbon impact – which is the right tool?”…

New Johne’s ‘Progress Tracker’ reports now available for NMR HerdWise customers NMR is pleased to announce that following the launch of the new Progress Tracker on 21 July 2021 by the Johne’s Action…
Day 1 Gene Eze team leader Ashu Bassan preparing tissue sampling units for DNA extraction 1

NMR Rolls Out Genomic Testing at UK Lab NMR opened its new custom-built genomic testing laboratory in the West Midlands in April 2021, and it has now completed…
Robert Sloan and Trevor Lloyd

NMR RABDF Gold Cup winner Robert Sloan will hold open day in August Summer date for Gold Cup open day Winners of the 2019 NMR/RABDF Gold Cup, the Sloan family from Auchinleck in Ayrshire,…

Stock Judging Competition Highlights Gains to using Genomics for Breeding Decisions A nationwide stock judging competition which tasked farmers with ranking six dairy heifers on their potential…

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