
Herd Companion Webinars We are holding a series of webinars on Herd Companion, covering different topics for just 15 to 20 minutes at a…

NMR KPI REPORT HIGHLIGHTS HERD IMPROVEMENTS AND SETS TARGETS Significant improvements in herd health and fertility are highlighted in NMR’s latest Key Performance Indicator (KPI)…

2023 HERD MANAGEMENT DIARY Don't forget to order your NMR Herd Management Diary Indispensable for dairy farmers. Click National Milk Records |…
New UK Cattle Tag Authorisation Impact TAGS ORDERS Calf with ear tag From Monday 6th February 2023 all UK cattle tags will be authorised by the Livestock…

Recognition for yield, fat and protein production at Dairy-Tech 2023 In addition to the presentation of the NMR / RABDF Gold Cup, four further awards were made at Dairy-Tech 2023. RABDF…
2022 NMR / RABDF Gold Cup goes to Scotland AYRSHIRE DAIRY BUSINESS LIFTS 2022 NMR RABDF GOLD CUP Congratulations to the Logan family from Ayrshire, Scotland,…
UNIFORM AND NORDIC STAR MAKES TAG ORDERING EASIER FOR DAIRY FARMERS PRESS RELEASE January 31, 2023 UNIFORM Nordic Star link simplifies cattle tag ordering NMR’s Nordic Star ear tags…

Top Herds Line up for 2022 NMR RABDF Gold Cup Title Sponsors of the Gold Cup, RABDF and NMR, have announced the finalists for the 2022 award. The five finalists include…