Summer laptop campaign - we have a winner!
We have a winner!

Richard Yapp of Lawn Farm, Wem near Shrewsbury entered the NMR Summer Laptop Competition at Dairy Day UK in September, got the answers right and has won! Mr Yapp's family has been milk recording with NMR since the 1930s and is very keen on improvement the management of his 128 cows. He's therefore considering using the Uniform software but was put off as he didn't have a laptop. Well that's all changed now!
For those of you who missed out - watch this space for news of our Autumn Competition!
We received over 110 entries (53 online, 47 at shows and the rest via our service delivery teams) and 97 got correct answers.
The answers were as follows:
1. Range in the average lifetime daily yield for NMR herds
The top 25% herds are achieving over 15.15kg
The bottom 25% of herds are only achieving under 11.62kg
2. Range in the average age at first calving in NMR herds
The top 25% herds are achieving less than 25.2 months
The bottom 25% of herds are only achieving over 29.5 months
All these answers can be found when you download a copy of the NMR Herd Improvement Services Catalogue and check out the bell curves!