GenoCells accommodating larger herds
GenoCells technology allows farms to manage breeding and somatic cell counts in their herds with minimal effort. The service offer uses one off tissue samples to power genomic evaluation for herd improvement, which also provide the background data for somatic cell count analysis. Once all milking cows have been genomically tested it is simply a matter of submitting bulk milk samples to secure individual cow SCC results to support mastitis management and SDCT. So far this service has been specifically for herds of under 350 cows but new sampling techniques are now making the service available to larger herds.
By taking multiple samples during a milking session for batches of cows NMR can generate reliable results for herds of any size provided that they are milked through herringbone, rapid release or robotic parlours. The protocols are very simple - the whole process generally adds no more than 10 minutes milking time for 1000 cows which is a big contrast to the equipment build up and take down time plus the labour required when taking individual cow samples.
For some the ideal solution is a mix of GenoCells and traditional milk recording to gain the benefits of both services – easy SCC’s through GenoCells and complete cow monitoring through milk recording. We are seeing a growing number of farms showing interest in a combination of these two services combined with quarterly individual cow testing for Johne’s - a bundled offering for which significant discounts are available.
For the larger herds a custom built sensor is required to phase the sampling with the parlour milk pump. This is currently being developed into a commercially applicable stand alone package that could be bought or hired in as part of the service depending upon customer requirements. . If you would like to know more, please get in touch.

Pump phasing equipment for GenoCells sampling on large herds